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my love for you

is as deep as the ocean♥

Friday, December 5, 2008 ; 5:52 PM

hahahhahaaa!!!i baked bread pudding today!there were like 2 uneaten loaves of bread at home which were unlikely to ever be touched so i thought,why waste?plus it fits into the festive season!heh heh.

it's so nice and golden-brown,eh?and i think it will taste great with vanilla ice cream!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008 ; 4:29 PM

ok.i've already cooked dinner for the last 2 days and my parents haven't died of food poisoning..so i guess it's ok!hahahaha.hmmm.12 more days to indonesia!i can't wait.

so today's training was fun.me and theresa went early for a reeaaalllyy long run.it was like 1hr22min so i guess it was like,what,14k?anyways.after that we met the rest at the reservoir and we saw the sec 4s!i totally forgot they were coming today..yea then me and theresa ran(slowly) with them for a while at the reservoir.haha sorry for making you run, theresa!our legs were really ache-y after that.then we took the loooong bus ride home.argh standard chartered 10k is this sunday!!!

i'll miss you,sec 4s!come again soon!(:

Friday, November 28, 2008 ; 1:19 PM

guess what?i ponned training today!hahaha yea i know..so unlike me,right?but i had a good reason.we sent off bibi to the airport today..her flight was like at 10 so we went with her to the airport until like 9 plus.we're going to join her in 2 weeks,anyways.haha.then after the airport we went to suntec carrefour to get some gifts for the kampong people.and i got 2 new blue fbts!i really like the material(:

then when we reached home i ran the 8km route.it was like 12pm but it was kinda cloudy so it was ok.now i'm waiting for papa to come home so we can go out for lunch.omg,how are we gonna survive 2 weeks without bibi's cooking.coz to tell you the truth,my mum ain't nigella lawson herself.hmmm.i think i'll try cooking some meals..see how it turns out(:wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 ; 8:12 PM

today was mostly spent at home..well,there was training in the morning!jiao lian trained us today.mr tay and mr chan were at bintan for some teachers' thingy.HAWHAWHAWHAWHAW.ok i'm so bad.

anyways.our schedule was 2x10x200m,pace 40-42seconds.me,jedi,hannah and syafiqah kept together.oh our first set was disastrous.we did like 48 almost all the way.then in the 2nd set we jogged,like REAL slow during our rest time and we did like 38-43 seconds!haha.we did good,people!and it was kinda fun.and STRESS-FREE(if you get my drift).

haha then i went home..and bathed..and ate lunch..and went to j8 ntuc with bibi to get some stuff.then we went home.and i watched friends!omg it's so damn funny.i want to get the entire series!then i think i'll be glued to the tv all day.

you know what?i can't wait to have my own life.

you took away everything i had.you just barged in, and took everything i worked so hard for.i know i may not be suited for it,but it can be developed,right?everyone wants to be with you,everyone looks up to you.and you,you just remain as blissfully ignorant as ever.i hate being second best.i've got to work this out.on my own.

Monday, November 24, 2008 ; 4:32 PM

argh my legs are killing me.
today's training was ok.the weather was real nice and cooling.then we ran one round around bedok reservoir.after training me jas theresa jedi and carolyn went to tampines mall for lunch then we took the train to bugis.we took neoprints there!haha.we were supposed to be looking for wallets but then we ended up walking around aimlessly,staring into shops.so then we went to PS and i finally got my new YELLOW BILLABONG WALLET!it's real nice(:haha.then we walked around some more but i was real tired so me and theresa went home.all in all,a tiring day.

what the fuck is wrong with you people?!

Sunday, November 23, 2008 ; 9:24 PM

today was ok..went for religious class in the morning(last day!)..then in the afternoon we went to novena fork and spoon to eat lunch.i had this beefball soup thingy.then we went to lido to collect our tickets to see madagascar for the 4.30 show.so to kill time we went to borders to look at some books.i got this cupcake book that i saw that time after the macritchie training with grace jedi and theresa and also the ninth book of the princess diaries series.

madagascar is damn funny.go see it.hahaa.

4)hotel for dogs
5)four christmases

why is life so unfair?they may give me everything that i want,but they don't even give me the basic respect.like privacy, for instance.has it never crossed their minds that i might not exectly want to bhe in their fucking prescence the entire time they're home from their stinking jobs?i don't even have my own room all to myself,for god's sake.FUCK THEM ALL.

Saturday, November 22, 2008 ; 1:45 PM

ok.so i didn't bake cookies.but i did bake gingerbread with lemon icing!!!

the gingerbread is wonderfully sticky,moist and chewy and the taste of the ginger is not too overpowering.with just a hint of lemony sweetness from the icing,i think i've hit perfection!

Friday, November 21, 2008 ; 5:33 PM

me and my dad went to fetch theresa and yy from her block,i had a ton of things to carry,coz on top of the necessities,i brought my hari raya cookies to finish them off.haha.anyway,after we fetched them we went to the chalet and met jedi,jas and shreya.oh celynn was there too.then jedi went to get the key and we went in.haha the sec 3s went to 'chope' the room with the pool view!then we drooled over the reall wonderful chalet.then we went down to unpack the kitchen stuff.we had loadsa fun doing that!haa.then more people came.then the sec 3s went up to watch the video on grace's laptop..and we nearly finished my choc chip cookies.hehe.after that we mostly just settled down.we watched tv for a while.then the sec 3s went to the playground and played catching games..we sweated like crazy!oh then we ate dinner!yummy spaghetti..then after that we went swimming at night.oh me jedi shreya and yy went to the jacuzzi for a while.then we went into the pool.it was damn cold after the jacuzzi!yea then we played marco polo for a while..but i got bored and me and theresa swam away from all the ruckus.i think they got scolded for the noise later on.then we went to the pool bathrooms to bathe..and i think it was better than the chalet's toilet.it was a lot cleaner, for one thing.haha.then we went back to our chalet.jedi went to her throws chalet for a while.and we bitched about for a while.then we went to clean the up the mess in the kitchen.then when jedi came back,we went for night walk!i was in the group that was supposedly going to 'stay behind' in the chalet.so we waited for a while for the other sec 3s to lead the lower sec a distance away.when they reached the beach,we started scaring them.we did stuff like brushing their legs and shoulders and hands and their spine.haha some were really fun to scare!yea so we were acting like really scary people.we made some stand around a tree.that was kinda freaky coz from far it looked like some sort of ritual.haha.then we went back to the chalet.we watched friends friends for a while..then i was dead tired so i slept on the floor with theresa.
breakfast was a bowl of cookie crisp cereal with milk.then the sec 3s attacked the kitchen.we scrubbed dishes.swept and mopped the floors and threw out garbage.well..the pristine state of the kitchen didn't last long..coz the sec 1s made the lunch later on.oh my dad brought tau huey!haha i ate like 1 and a half bowls.then we watched tv for a while.at 12 plus,we started the games.we played splash,tug of war,minefield and treasure hunt.the treasure hunt was the most fun one!i was the first one they had to find and i hid away so well that they took super long to find me..haha eventually i had to make myself more obvious.then i met up with jedi and jas and stayed in the playground.oh then i went to take huixin's bag from her dad..he gave us carrots and tomatoes too!haha.then after the games finished we went swimming.after that we bathed..and it was raining heavily.had to rush back to the chalet to help jedi get her towel,then i saw the sec 4s!they were at the bowling place.so i talked to them a while..then i went sheperding people from the bathrooms to the chalet.then we started preparing the BBQ food.we fried and boiled some sausages.then luckily the rain stopped so we could start the BBQ properly.then the guests started coming.so we ate and talked aand stuff.oh i gave the sec 4s the giant choc chip cookies!haha i hope they liked it!yea,then we shooed away everyone execpt the sec 3s..we laid out the gifts on the floor.the sec 4s looked really touched.could tell that some were already tearing.mar and grace were emcee-ing.haha they're so funny!then we watched the video..the sec 3s one rock!haha.then we sang the graduation song.and tears started flowing.then the sec 4s all made a little speech and gave us some gifts..thank you so much for the towel!i don't think i'll ever use it.then after that we mostly took pics with each other and ate the ben and jerry's ice cream that mr chan bought for us.thanks mr chan!then after the guests left we started cleaning up the place.when we were done we went to the beach to meet the sec 4s..and we sang happy birthday to huixin!haha.then we walked for a while.then elsia scared us all with this ghost face mask.haha!then we went back to the chalet and settled down in the living room with all our sleeping bags to watch scary movies.urrghh.yea then after that i was too tired so i fell asleep.
20 nov
check out day.time really flies when you're having fun.we all ate up most of the BBQ left overs.then we checked out.some of us went bowling.then after that jedi theresa shreya and me went swimming.it was kinda depressing.then elsia appeared!they were all waiting for the shuttle bus.then we tried to splash her.haha.then we bathed..and met siying.my dad came to fetch us.on the way out we met grace.talked to her a while.it seemed so sad that the goodbyes on the last day were so unceremonial.i'll really miss you grace!then we saw the other sec 4s waiting for the bus too.

for lunch my dad brought us to BAGUS the yong tau foo shop.oh my i really love the YTF there.the noodles are so slurrrpy.haha,then after that we sent that we sent theresa siying jedi and shreya to their bus stops and mrts.then i reached home, bathed, and hit the bed.i woke up at like 6 plus,ate dinner and put up the pics,then i slept again at 11.

sigh i really miss chalet.now everything seems so unimportant.like there's no point in doing it.i really wish i could relive my last 3 years in cedar with them again..

anyways.today we had training at serangoon.we ran the reverse direction of the route.i think i prefer the normal way.then after that me theresa jedi and jas hijacked mr chan's car and made him drive us to heartland mall.OWE RIDE,PAY RIDE!!!hahaha.then i had some tau huey at the hocker centre..then we walked around a while and went home.

i think i'm gonna bake more cookies soon to drive away the sadness.

Thursday, November 20, 2008 ; 8:31 PM

20 nov 2008
i can't believe chalet is over.all the hard work,planning,freaking out has paid off.it was really great!of course we all cried rivers last night..
the sec 4's cupcakes the sec 3's made
the view from our room

before swimming the first night

playing games!

the ladder behind the bungalow..we had great fun climbing up!

our very well-organized room

syahirah,grace and me..you guys were really great!the farewell wouldn't have been such a success without you guys!

oh, may!how i'll miss your sweet smile and laughter,your lovely soap smell and your smartness!
thank you for showing me how interesting life can be!

HUIXIN!my dear roommate of 303!i'll never forget your awful singing,your cute dimples,the way you run,your silly jokes,your exaggerated hand gestures when you're excited..we've had some great times together.and yes..i promise that i won't get left behind.

XINYING!!thank you so much for always lending me your exam papers,for always being so patient and understanding,for showing me that there's more to life than what you see.i'll miss your wacky jokes,your everlasting cheerfulness, your angelic face and your sweet,sweet smile.

THE GREATEST, MOST FANTABULOUS CAPTAIN EVER.thank you for always being there for me,especially in lower sec when i was still new,for keeping pace with me and pushing me beyond my limits.thank you for always brightening up our trainings,for telling us to smile that time in sec 1 at serangoon stadium.you are so selfless and warm hearted, and you've taught me how to be a happier person.i'll never forget our times together.
HAHAHAHA!actually i didn't mean to take her pic,i just meant to take the BBQ pit behind her.but she looked up at exactly the moment when i took the pic!HAWHAWHAW!
mar hard at work in the kitchen!

or not...

showing the sec 4's to their gifts


front row seats!
grace looks like she's having the time of her life..
theresa,me,jas and carol.you guys really made the chalet really fun!

the sec 3's and 4's.one big,happy family.

GRACE!wow you really do have a colgate smile(:i'll really miss your ferocious appetite..both times in thailand.thank you so much for guiding me and helping me bounce when i fell.you are really super!!
the sec 4's gifts

hanis and adel!thank you so much for coming..it was really great to see you guys!

ah.well.even after the tears and mucus and swollen eyes,the retardedness is sure to start..watcha lookin' at,HUH?

why,wall?how could you do this to me??!!


me and steph..haha she look really cute when she does that!

in front of the mirror..hey we look quite pro..
HEEEEEY CLAUDIA!thanks for always cheering us on,even when you were injured,for sharing your experiences and never failing to make us laugh.i'll always remember your trademark HEE-EEE-EEEY!

lookin bored on the stairs


rahimah...even though we don't really know each other that well, thank you so much for being a superb role model.i'll miss your sweet voice.what you said last night really touched us all.we'll train hard!


yes huixin,i know you love me!!
elsia in the morning!at the bowling place after checking out..

mar!you were really great help in our performance!thanks for choreographing the dance steps and for helping us with the videotaping!you rock!

the scores..

the sec 4's gifts..


[01.]Tag before leaving
[02.]No nasty comments
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[05.]Get out if you're unhappy [06.]Give me hugg!!

Y The Lil'One;

*Wan Zahrah*
*Cedar Girls'*
*Tracker* *Long D*
*Cross Country*

Y lil'ones talks;
I don't wanna be second best no more

[01.] Run faster
[02.] Get smarter
[03.] Be happier
[04.] Be a more fun person

Y lil'escapes;
Jin Rong
Ya Le
Esther Tan
Ing Yee
Jin Zaw


Y Lil'Peice;

best with `iwebmusic


Designer: xiaomifeng
Pictures: glitter-graphics
Song: iwebmusic
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